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Co to za koles? W Wikipedii pisza:
A tam jest taki fragment:
"Bolton has been a prominent participant in some neoconservative groups such as the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), and the Committee for Peace and Security in the Gulf (CPSG)."
Co to jest JINSA? Link z wikipedii:
"The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) is a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit, non-partisan think-tank focusing on the national security interests of the United States. JINSA's aim is three-fold: to ensure a strong and effective U.S. national security policy; to educate American leadership figures on the vital strategic relationship between the United States and Israel."
Wrocmy do naszego neokonika. W opisie tej osoby jest taki fragment:
Nobel Peace Prize nomination
"Bolton was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize along with Ken Timmerman on February 7, 2006 by Sweden's former deputy prime minister and Liberal party leader Per Ahlmark "for their repeated warnings and documentation of Iran's secret nuclear buildup and revealing Iran's "repeated lying" and false reports to the International Atomic Energy Agency."
1) To na co inne kraje nawet sie nie osmielaja, Izrael robi w sposob jawny: poucza amerykanskich politykow jak maja prowadzic polityke zagraniczna.
2) Nominacje do Nobla moze dostac jastrzab pracy do wojny. Btw Pokojowy Nobel az cuchnie od ilosci zbrodniarzy, donosicieli, karierowiczow i tym podobnej swoloczy.
3) okazuje sie, ze jesli wrzucic w googla wazniejsza szyche z rzadu USA, to jej zwiazki z Izraelem wychodza w 5 sekund. Powaznie, to jest nawet dobra zabawa bo sie czesto sprawdza. Tego Boltona tez tak dla jaj sprawdzilem.